Late blog whilst I wait for an ad… Wt: Didn’t weigh. Mood: ApatheticWork docket: Already did online mall. Have End of Month Values (blech), a 10:00 am conference call, various bug-squashing re: the new redesignLunch plans: LC Grilled ChickenAfternoon: Update…
February 25 2003 – morning
Hey…come see the redesign of South Jersey’s Website! Mega-props to Damon for a job well done. 🙂 I did go to the Y last night, but all the treadmills were taken. My first thought was, “Yay! I can go home!”…
February 24 2003 – evening
I skipped lunch. The Online Job fair took up most of my day. Lank archive was done for me…and I archived the Keeping the Faith story. (whew!) Tomorrow I think they’re going forward w/the redesign of I’m not sure…
February 24, 2003 – morning
Happy Monday! Mood: Overwhelmed. I have lots to do today. Work docket: Did the Ingle column. Must do Hot Jobs (waiting for some ads now), Online Job Fair when I find out what companies bought into it (am getting tired…
February 21, 2003 – morning
(sitting casually, sipping lowfat chocolate milk — because it’s lowfat chocolate milk Friday!) Mood: Achy. I fell outside the apartment today. Slipped on ice. On my knee. My bad knee. I’m ok now, but I have to wonder if this…
February 20, 2003 – morning
(smile) Hey you…didja miss me? Yesterday was a hella long day. Work 5:30 – 2:00. Work the Taste of Home Cooking show from 3:30 (well, actually 3:37 — I got lost on the freaking 1 mile trip, ended up in…