Dropping in before dinner to say I’m thankful for the group of you who swing by to check up on me and my very boring life. I’m also thankful for my boring life – high dramatics isn’t my thing. I…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 Wk 47
Travel tip for achy people
Through the years my physical condition has devolved from “fine!’ to “ugh something always hurts these days” to “man, multiple things hurt these days” and vacations where there is a lot of walking involved seem to exacerbate that. And you…
Good and Meh 2023 Wk 46
Good Things: Sunday: I started making cards again!Monday: Back to the morning yoga routine after 3 1/2 weeks off. I only backslid a little bit. I started lunchtime walks with Murphy again and my knee was a little twingey but…
Friday 5: Roll the bones
Happy Friday, which is also National Homemade Bread Day and, fittingly, National Butter Day. I wonder if they planned that. We are a multi-butter household. WM prefers Country Crock spread, and I prefer Kerrygold in a butter bell on the…
The watchlist: November 2023
A fact about me: I don’t binge TV. I just can’t stay interested in a show for more than 2, maybe 3 episodes at a shot. The best part of that is that once I find a show I can…