I was wandering the web and I saw this phrase on someone’s website advertising their speaking services:
We live in a sin stained world…

And I felt sad for her, because what a terrible way to see things. YES, there are terrible things going on and people being mistreated and robbed of their rights and humanity. (Her definition of sin and mine are quite different.) But there are good people doing good things. There are flowers and scientific breakthroughs and acts of compassion between friends and strangers. I don’t want to see the world that way, and I don’t think our Higher Power (however you name it) would want us to think that way either.
A month or so ago I subscribed to Gretchen Rubin’s Happier podcast. I DNFed her book “The Happiness Project” in 2011 so I suppose I’m a softer person now. The podcast is good, though, because she and her sister banter about life in general and all of the little ways they try to make it better. One of the things mentioned in last week’s podcast was having a “Ta-da!” list in addition to a “To-do” list and my God did that really hit me. I have a million lists of things I need to do and want to do and MUST do, but not a list of things that I’ve done. A Ta-da list! I love it!
Talking to WM last weekend, I discovered that I can measure age/maturity in terms of pens. When I was young, I lost pens all of the time. When I was a decade or two older, I found that my pens would run out of ink. I never had that happen before because I always lost my pens. And now that I’m the oldest I’ve ever been, I own pens that are refillable and replace the ink. It would be a great book title — Lose, Replace, Refill: A Life in Pens.
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