From the PhoneCam! Imagine you’re doctor with a smallish family practice. You sign up for a seminar. When you arrive, you see that at that seminar, there are CEOs of hospitals, doctors with chain practices, some cutting-edge biologists and a…
Cross-Platform Media Teams – The Media Center @ API
Business trip #3 and FINAL for June… Cross-Platform Media Teams – The Media Center @ API I’ll be shoving off at 1ish, and plan to stop at Maryland House for a slice of Sbarro pizza and something from Starbucks to…
I make less money than Homer Simpson. Sweet merciful crap.
Wild Blue Yonder
This is my first go with video on the site. Movies are quite large, and you’ll need quicktime to view ’em. Ready? Okay. Takeoff of Baron vonPlaque’s first plane …and the landing. March, 2017: The movie quality didn’t hold up…
wherein Kim realizes that ALL of her readers are about to kill her feed and remove her from their bookmarks…
The Meeting.
I was fired today. Ha! I kid. Nah. Wasn’t that bad. Wasn’t my greatest performance to date, but I muddled through. Gambling-wise, I’m about $80 down…which I’ll either wake at 4am and try to make back, or just call it…