BvP’s relatives are safe and sound. The Biloxi-based group (whom I’ve never met) are scattered, but alive. I’m quite relieved and pleased. But Katrina has planted a lot of questions inside my brain. Questions such as: 1) Would there be…
Is Kim a nerd, geek, or dork? In this post, she finds out via an online quiz. Tune in and see!
7 days on
wherein Kim pines…just posting song lyrics…nothing worth looking at
still here…
Still stuff to write about, but waning desire to sit and write it. End of summer stuff, I guess. I’ll get to it. (note to self: find silly online quiz to break writer’s block)
cruel summer
From the PhoneCam! Beach On a sunny beach at last…it’s only August. Edited after I got home: Sweet merciful crap! Apparently when I was schrpritzing myself with the sunscreen I neglected to pay attention to my cleavage. I have a…
“And do you realize that you’ll be 33 soon? Do you know what that means?”