I’ve been living on my own for six months and one day. I have an apartment, now fully furnished. I have a freezer full of food and meals prepared for the next few days. I have a nice little tax…
Is this really me?
I’m trying to cut back on what I spend. I have some holiday bills to pay and I want to replenish my savings accounts which consist of a traditional bank statement savings and a kick-butt INGDirect one – 4.5% monthly…
Hello, have we met?
Disney’s newest campaign (because they have one every 18 months, with the last one being The Happiest Celebration on Earth!!) is Disney’s Year of a Million Dreams. They partnered with Annie Leibovitz and scheduled a bunch of celebrities to do…
Baby it's cold outside
But I’m in and out anyway. Why? Because a certain Minstrel has Wandered his way into town. Again. And we’re again doing some wandering together. This…this is nice. 🙂 🙂
oh please oh please
If I’m good, after I die, can I come back looking like Angelina Jolie?
Back up
I’m still waiting on a reply from my Lunarpages support request, but we seem to be okay now. I have no idea what happened, other than I was prompted to change my Lunarpages password. That, however, wouldn’t have prevented them…