You’ve surely seen the newest diamond conglomerate ‘style’ — the Journey collection. The diamonds start small at the top of the pendant and they grow as your Love grows through your life’s journey together. (vomit break) (wiping her lips) Ahem…so…
Cellphone: Saved 43%
In January, I took a long hard look at my finances and realized I was spending money in the wrong places. So I made some changes, and today I saw my first positive effect of what I’ve been calling “The…
I'm going to Disneyworld!!
Mom and I will be doing another crazy 4-day weekend there at the beginning of March. It’s been quite a while since I stepped foot in my favorite place in the world. Yes, I was at Disneyland in July, but…
Weekend roundup
It was quite a lovely weekend! (waits a few for the shock to die down) Friday I ended up going to happy hour with a group from work. I hadn’t gone in the longest time, and I had a ball….
I still wear the ring I got for the 8th anniversary. Sometimes at night if I’m lonely I slide it on my left ring finger so I can remember what it felt like to be married.
Life hates me
This little beauty was in my mailbox this morning. Apparently, I’m not making “the most of life over 50.” AARP CARD!?!?! I called them this morning and asked to be removed from their list of evil fear-mongering.