Years ago, I was constantly sick. Colds, ear infections, croup, you name it, I had it. In Kindergarten, we had milk with our cookies for snacks. Milk always seemed to add to my congestion, so Mom used to send me…
podcast followup
Oooo! Thanks for the podcast links below. I’m adding them right now! I, too, miss TechTV and the ScreenSavers so I was happy to find heaps of Leo for free! Feel free to keep leaving Podcast suggestions below. Yeah, you’d…
A tour of Calliope
Calliope is my iPod…I got her for Christmas. Calliope comes to work with me every day and helps me to stay focused on my tasks as opposed to having my brain waves interrupted by the cacophony around me. Seriously, there…
I grew up in a hotbed of terror
Who knew? Yes, the Cherry Hill where the suspected terrorists lived is the same Cherry Hill where I grew up and the same Cherry Hill where I lived when I was married. Oh, and the same Cherry Hill where I…
Walking the walk
After watching some of the Republican debate on Thursday night, I decided to finally make my political stand. “National ID card” this, boys.
Happy Monday — are you going tonight?
South Jersey readers…are you going to the Best of South Jersey party tonight? It’s the 20th one, and it’s at the Mansion in Voorhees. 5:30 – 9pm. $10 at the door. Lots of food and live music, too! And, as…