Blech! Yick! Sticks! Dirt! So one of the ladies at work tells me her son’s losing weight in droves because of this Enviga drink. So I picked up a can of the Green Tea flavor at the local 7-11 which…
Lately, I’ve been spending far less time online. What have I been doing? Crossword puzzles. Lots and lots of crossword puzzles. I’ve always been into crosswords, mostly in the summer and the dead of winter. The summer of 2007, however,…
Not the Biggest Loser
I have no idea how this happened (okay I do) but Charlie’s now 30 lbs. Not too sure how to deal with this, as he, Misty, and Max share the same bowl of food.* He’s not much of an exerciser,…
The cat days of summer
Congrats Joe from Stratford! I was at Home Depot! The store’s playlist really boggled my mind. I thought that a home improvement store would have more…manly…music. (No offense to the Wandering Minstrel or any other guy who digs girly power…
Killer playlist – 'pop' quiz
I was in a certain type of retail store this weekend. Here are a few of the songs I heard played on the overhead system: “All By Myself” – Eric Carmen “Coming out of the Dark” – Gloria Estefan “Have…
RIP, Nancy and Daniel Benoit
It’s really hard to handle the fact that a guy I thought was a stand-up guy through my (admittedly very limited) exposure to him turned out to be a complete tool. An evil, murderous tool. The comments to last post…