Well, hello, Blog! (nervous laugh). Happy New Year! I’ve become a subscriber to Better Homes & Gardens magazine. That seems odd since I have neither a home nor a garden, but a one-year subscription was offered to me at $5….
Sha-la-la-la (ugh, erk)
(This post is from October, 2010, and didn’t make it over in the migration to kimberussell.com. I’m adding it manually to make a point.) It’s time again for the Friday five, and this week’s theme is: Every Sha-La-La-La. NB: I…
Bead Stringing Class
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Bead stringing class. I’m crafty!
Eye on style
I don’t need bifocals! In fact, my prescription stayed pretty much the same, so “Doctor Appointment Friday” was win-win! I had photographs of my retinas (retinae?) taken, which was extremely cool. I should have asked why they’re orange. Can’t find…
I'm okay, you're okay, Governor Corzine's okay! (long)
Apparently bellyaching works! I went to the audiologist yesterday with much trepidation and after being subjected to a cryptic series of beeps, she told me I was the same as last year. SAME AS LAST YEAR!!! I haven’t been this…
Hmm? What?
Permit me a moment or three to complain over what is most likely nothing. I’m off from work today – I’ve taken the day off to see a hearing doctor. (Hence the weird timestamp on this post. I fell asleep…