As of today, I’ve been divorced five years. I didn’t realize it until I was driving to Mom’s tonight. And that’s good — the fact that I haven’t been dwelling on/dreading this date for 3 weeks is good. I now…
Because of Steve Jobs
Because of Steve Jobs, I sat down at a computer for the first time when I was in fifth grade. It was the Apple II. I learned that I had to solemnly touch the top of the case to “ground…
Wordless Wednesday: Please?
My Mickey Mouse notebook
Hm…what could be in this Mickey Mouse notebook?
Weekly tasklist
My goals for this week, scribed here so I’ll always have a reminder of failing… 1) Make two doc appointments: one for the eyes and one for the neglected thyroid. About the eyes: I think I haven’t had an eye…
Stupid Beading Tricks: Organization
I have a lot of beading supplies these days. Enough to fill a plastic four drawer unit that sits next to my desk. But that’s not always practical when I’m working on one or two projects. I’m too lazy to…