We went to a late lunch today (It was around 4 pm, which put us in with the over-80 dinner crowd. And I am NOT kidding about that.) and we both agreed that 2012 was amazing. It’s the first year…
Friday Five: Sum
Friday Five time! 🙂 This week’s theme is sum, which is a nice way to wrap up the bloggy year. 1. Who stands out among people you met in 2012? Everyone at my new job. Which isn’t really new anymore,…
Cookie roundup 2012
And cookie season is over! Phew! I made six different types of cookies this year. The first kind was 10 dozen candy cane kiss cookies (detailed here). Six dozen of those went to a cookie swap, and the remaining 4…
Penn Jillette is my intellectual crush
Watch as Penn, with a quiet and rational voice, steals the show away from the shriekers and replaces the shrieking with common sense.
Still here
I guess I have to get my car inspected after all!
Cookie Swap: Candy cane Kiss Cookies
Sunday I went to a Cookie Swap at Kristen’s mother’s house. (I just remembered I was going to do a new header for Kristen’s blog. Gah!) I used this recipe for Candy Cane Kiss Cookies from Recipe Girl, except I…