As a matter of fact, don’t buy this for ANYBODY! This is the first installment in a series of Eagles-branded, Disney-branded salt and pepper shakers. In later installments, Goofy is the coach, Donald’s dropping the n-word and Pluto is buried…
Throwback Thursday: High school bowling
Not purely new content, as it was originally on Facebook. But behold the high school bowler. Are high school yearbooks still printed in black and white? Do they still deliver them via stagecoach? We had a work bowling party last…
WoW Wanderings: My perfect Garrosh cutscene
I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since early 2005. For the last 5 years my main has been a Blood Elf paladin, but I also have an Undead Mage and a Goblin Shaman. For a few years I kept a…
Making a statement … necklace
While at BeadFest Philadelphia last month I picked up a small mix of beads called the “Euro Fashion Mix.” I’ve been dorking around with them for a bit and I think this is the layout I’ll go with for a…
Birthday wrap-up
Sweet merciful crap! I turned 41 last week! This is what 41 looks like – no makeup: That was taken on the train platform. WM got me a lovely Fossil charm bracelet. I wanted a charm bracelet, but not a…
When Kickstarters fail
I’ve contributed to three Kickstarters — two from Penny Arcade which of course made their goals. And one to an independent game designer who raised over 3x the original goal 2 years ago and has yet to deliver the goods….