The date on the back of this one is missing so your guess is as good as mine. I’m on one of those horse rides, and it looks to be in a gift shop. It could have been Virginia Beach,…
This week in the life of me
This week I’m: Watching: Monday Night RAW, Parks and Recreation, Scandal (Mellie Grant rules) and more Friends. Eating: Two shakes a day and a sensible-ish dinner. It’s just as crappy as it sounds. Moving: to DDPYoga. I’m starting week six….
Throwback Thursday: Sixth grade dance
When I was a kid, our elementary school was Kindergarten through sixth grade, middle school was seventh and eighth grades (any longer there and I would have run away from home and joined the circus), and high school was ninth…
Friday (okay Saturday) Five: Usage
Happy Saturday! It’s April 5th. Even as the years are peeled off of my life’s calendar, I will always remember this day with a warm smile and a wish that all involved parties are doing well and living authentically. Yesterday…
Throwback Thursday: 1988
A tiny primer for those who don’t remember printed photos from film cameras: your parents would buy a roll of film and it would stay in the camera until it was finished. Then if your parents had money, it would…