This is the second year A-Woww and Cooki (aka Mom and I) went to Virginia Beach for a getaway. Last year we went and I felt as if I was cheating on the Jersey Shore. This year? Eff the guilt….
Landline review & back to school
Landline by Rainbow Rowell My rating: 3 of 5 stars Georgie is our protagonist, a television writer and an all-around irresponsible flake. Neal is her husband, steady rock, and stay-at-home dad to their two daughters: Alice and Noomi. Georgie’s job…
A smaller "we."
Still here. Still broken. But the days keep flipping by. Today’s my last “Summer Friday” from TNP for the year. I love summer so much and it feels like this year it slipped out from under me. I have to…
I miss this.
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Goodnight, Charlie.
This morning our cat Charlie passed. He was seventeen. He was my baby-meow, my boo-bear, my boos. We spent Charlie’s last summer lazing on the balcony with him when the sun was out and snuggling on the sofa at night….
Please Ignore Vera Dietz review
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King My rating: 2 of 5 stars This was the third book in my Book Riot Quarterly box, themed “try new genres” or something similar. I read it quickly, but I think I just…