Happy Friday, which is also National Flapjack Day (mmm!) and National Speech and Debate Education Day. Sometimes I wish I had some debate education so that I can construct better arguments. But there was no way I’d join a debate team. Nope!

As you could tell from Wednesday’s post, WM and I were in Anaheim earlier this week visiting Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure. It was his first time there and my first time in almost 20 years. We had so much fun! I have notes about the differences between the California and Florida parks that will become a blog post next week. Summary: I might like the California experience more than the Florida one!
Time for the Friday 5, which I missed last week because I was busy packing. This week’s theme is Animal kingdom, which is the Disney park in Florida that I spend the least amount of time in. That’ll change for sure if the Indiana Jones ride is built.
- When did you most recently have all your ducks in a row?
Probably when I went to get my Real ID. They needed six points of identification and I think I had at least ten. - What is the elephant in the room?
That I am continuing to enjoy life as my country is destroyed. I’m still writing postcards and making phone calls (but not sending any more money to the Democrats because they need to earn it) but if I steep myself in news I’ll crumble to dust. - Where would you like to be a fly on the wall?
At a Target Board of Directors meeting. - What is the bee in your bonnet?
The secular appropriation of Lent. If you don’t adhere to a religion, cool! But don’t take a rite that people take seriously and convert it into the next iteration of 75 Hard. - When did you most recently have butterflies in your stomach?
I had a meeting at work a few weeks back that I was nervous about because I didn’t know how to prepare for it.
And that’s it! Tomorrow I’m meeting some of my high school friends in commemoration of our 35th high school graduation. The passage of time is a wild, wild thing.
I think enjoying life is the key to survival these days. Even when it’s hard to do. <3