Still blogging through my malaise with this prompt: Have you tried any Marie Kondo strategies for cleaning your clutter? Which, yes. I’m pretty mercenary with letting go of things that no longer bring me joy. I tried her folding methods as well, but folding and putting away laundry is my least favorite chore, and spending any more time doing it than I have to is a no go.
WM is a huge Olympics fan and after work* I join him. I think our favorite new sport is Kayak Cross, where 3-4 kayakers are dropped down into a man-made river with man-made rapids and race around pylons and to the end. And they are required to flip underwater at a certain point. It’s American Gladiator on water and I can’t stop watching. My other favorite events so far are diving and trampoline.
I also had to fight back tears at the Subaru commercial where a woman sleeps in the car with her new shelter dog, and a Microsoft commercial that featured a senior citizen racing. I always wanted to be an active older person but at 51 I’m nursing a sore shoulder, sore thumbs, a sore hip, and a heel that feels like someone kicked it.
Have I mentioned I’m a little depressed lately?
* Who are these people who can watch Olympic TV while they work from home? There’s no way I can do both.