Happy Friday, which is also National Selfie Day (I’ve been taking them since self-timers on cameras were invented), and National Smoothie Day (I need more smoothies in my life.) Most importantly it’s my third Summer Friday and this morning I went to the gym for the third time this week for the second week in a row.
Welcome to summer! We’re in the middle of a crazy heat wave here with temperatures that have been in the 90s all week and should be in the 90s until next week. It hasn’t rained either, and my rain barrel is empty. I think this is the way it’s going to be every summer from here on out. We are reaping what we have sown.
Time for the Friday 5! This week’s theme is Ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed. Let’s get to it!

- What (or who) has recently had you most captivatED?
I grew up afraid of bats. I wouldn’t go into the zoo’s bat house. No way, no how. In 2018 I had the opportunity to go to Austin, TX for the first time and one of the things that city is known for is all of the bats that live under one of their bridges. I saw the bats and thought they were kinda cute.
Flash forward to 2022. I have a hammock outside and in summer I’m out there until after sunset. I see some really erratic birds flapping by at night. Turns out they’re bats, and we’ve had them in the neighborhood the whole time. Instead of being terrified, I’m intrigued by my new-to-me-neighbors, whom I call Bruce.
Last night was summer solstice, and on summer solstice I try to stay outside to catch the latest sunset of the year. And I waited, and waited, and waited and finally got to see Bruce and wished him a happy summer.
So, bats. - Who deserves to be congratulatED?
The Wrexham Dragons, apparently! I just finished the current season of Welcome to Wrexham and they earned back to back promotions! I know more about soccer/football than I ever thought I would thanks to this show. - What do you do to stay hydratED?
I have a simple 17oz S’well bottle that I keep full and carry around. - What do you seem to have underestimated or overestimatED?
I have overestimated my capacity for stress this week. I’m wiped and without going into huge detail, I really wish some things were just … easier. I know you’re not supposed to compare yourself to social media but it looks like some people just drift through life without a care and the streets that take them through life are paved and smooth but for me the road has always had bumps and potholes and I’m always waiting for the road to crack in half and swallow me whole like Lois in her car in the 1978 Superman movie.. It feels silly to whine about it because some people don’t even have a paved road or a road at all, but if I can’t be morose once in a while on my blog, where can I be morose?
That went deep. Sorry! - This weekend, what is most likely to leave you exhilaratED?
This weekend is up in the air. We have tickets to see the Celtic Fling & Highland Games at the PA Ren Faire site but as I already mentioned, it’s going to be very hot and we might just eat the cost of the tickets and stay local. So, uh, nothing? The joy of washing sheets on a Saturday morning? Maybe a breakfast out?
And that’s that! Have a wonderful weekend and may your roads through life be well-pavED.
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