I took a little break from the Internet this weekend. Mother’s Day is hard for me, and even I am tired of hearing myself whine about it so I dipped out for my own good.
Lately, I’ve been in a soup phase. One day a few weeks ago I tried Samyang’s Quattro Cheese hot chicken ramen for lunch after a lifetime of Maruchan/Top Ramen and I was melting. It was a hot flash in a bowl. A real lip plumper. It was food that fought back and I loved every minute of it. My nose literally dripped onto my desk mat. I felt like I was being Toontown dipped from the inside. My sinuses were so clear I could smell the future. It’s amazing and after failing to find any in my grocery stores, I ordered more from Amazon and now one day a week I have a transcendent lunch experience.

You know how sometimes you can have an outsized hatred of a particular thing and ascribe all sorts of harm to it? That’s me and the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. It’s made celebrities believe that they’re journalists and journalists believe that they’re celebrities. How can journalists be objective if they’re feted by the very institution they’re supposed to be scrutinizing?
My PT is usually at 8am, and afterward I’ve been stopping at either Starbucks or Wawa to grab coffee. Yes, it’s a reward for doing the hard thing. I went from being a huge Starbucks fan to being a bit meh about the chain. The shine fell off a little before the pandemic. If I were the CEO, I’d make two changes.
- The order of operations should be in-person -> mobile -> drive through. Someone who takes the time to come into the store should be number one priority.
- The stores need to be redecorated in order to make them gathering places again. The newest stores have bare walls, tiled floors, uncomfortable metal chairs, and scant decor on the walls to absorb sound. It’s loud and unwelcoming. I’d work at my Starbucks once a week if I could hear myself think.
This is my last week of PT for my tendinitis. I don’t think it’ll ever be 100% because of the heel spur pressing into it, but it’s great to be able to do stairs again. I’ll miss the team there, but I won’t miss taking my ‘lunch’ at 8:30 am.
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