I’ve been keeping a list of my own hot takes but since I’m not on Twitter anymore I’ll just dump them all here on a Saturday blog post.
PETTY – just me being whiny, judgmental, or both
Saying “Spooky Season” makes you sound like you’re in kindergarten. Saying “Spoopy” instead puts you in preschool. It’s fucking Halloween.
I’m very tired of the Tom Holland Umbrella lip sync video. It was cute and fun but now it’s as dated as the ORLY owl.

The “An Oral History of…” pieces are lazy writing.
The word “anyways” grinds my teeth. It’s going to become common and accepted usage (like decimated no longer means reduce by about 10%) and I will still hate it until the day I die.
David Sedaris is more mean than funny.
So many bridesmaids have no idea how poorly their brides are treating them.
Just like you don’t have to announce that you’re unfollowing someone or leaving a thread, you don’t have to announce that you’re muting a topic. We’re adults.
If you a person who takes photos and are surrounded by people who don’t take photos (or not surrounded by a lot of people), selfies are the only way you’ll have photos of yourself once you tire of asking people to take your photo. It’s not always a vanity exercise.
SERIOUS – opinion on serious matters that others probably dislike
The US anti-car movement will always fail because organizers fail to solve for working families. “Why don’t more people take public transit?” “Because ABC, DEF, X, Y, and Z.” “None of those reasons are important enough to continue with the LOSS OF LIFE”
If I give your business my money for product, the transaction is finished and I don’t owe you a product review.
I would love a US holiday that is not tied to any event, person, or religion. This is so I can enjoy a day without people lecturing about 1) it’s wrong to observe it this way; 2) how can you possibly observe this because there is STILL WORK TO BE DONE; 3) religion sucks.
While I am WHOLLY disappointed in Joe Biden (trust and believe that I am contacting the White House and my reps regularly), I’m still going to vote for him because punishing Biden by voting for Trump (or not voting at all) will end up punishing a lot more people. I voted for GWB in 2000 because I was disgusted with Bill Clinton’s administration, and look look look at how that ended up.
“ALL GAVE SOME BUT SOME GAVE ALL” say so many people who never served but who run for office on the backs of those who do or did. I know ones who gave some and all, and if you’re truly on their side you’d never send them to war.
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David Sedaris is too rich to be funny any more.