Welcome to my second rodeo.

At least this time I caught it at Walt Disney World and not at the DMV or Dunkin’ Donuts like last time. I flew home Tuesday night and felt a little sniffly at home but thought it could have been allergies or dry airplane air. Yesterday I woke up with a cold and tested on a complete whim and BAM, positive. This time it took much longer for the second line to appear, but once it did, it was obvious.
If we say I was exposed on 3/17 or 3/18, then that is almost six months to the day from my most recent Covid booster.
This version (likely JN.1, since that’s 86% of the March 2024 cases) has been much easier. So far it feels like a bad cold with extra fatigue. My temperature is only up by one degree. I still have taste and smell. I took today off to snooze on the sofa. Tomorrow I neeeeeed to log in and work. I didn’t plan on taking this whole week off and stuff’s gotta get done.
I am so thankful that we are 4 years past the strain that kept the hospitals overflowing, the ventilators rationed to those most likely to live, and the refrigerator trucks parked next to overflowing morgues. I’ll never forget how terrible those years were and I’m thankful this is just a blip in my timeline and not the potential end of my timeline.
And if the science holds, I should have immunity ’til the beginning of summer.
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