Rabbit rabbit!
Happy Friday, which is also National Minnesota Day (people think Vikings visited there) and National Dress in Blue Day (gray for me today, sorry). It’s also Employee Appreciation Day, and to commemorate TNP closed the “office” at noon. I celebrated by going to the gym, and then bringing home a Crunchwrap Supreme. Did the two acts cancel each other out? Nah. I’m at the gym to build strength and work the kinks out of my ankle/foot issue. Which is a little unnerving because I’ve completed 2 weeks of PT and related home exercises and it still hurts.

This week’s Friday 5 is themed whoa whoa whoa feelings, which is a song from the heady 1970s. You can hear it at the bottom of this post.
- What makes you feel pleasantly young?
Other than being around much older people? Walt Disney World, but only up until an hour before bedtime. That last hour of the day is rough. Discussing it with WM, at WDW you can let the guard down and have fun, you can hug a character or eat a candied apple for dinner and as long as you’re not a jerk about it, nobody judges. - What makes you feel pleasantly, uh, seasoned?
WM: everything other than Disney
Me: Talking to people about life before The Internet. Even a story about life before Direct Deposit, when you had to take time out of your day to bring a check to the bank in order to have the cash that you earned makes me feel 100 years old. Back when you had to go to the library to work on a paper for school and if someone who had the same topic as you beat you there and checked out all of the materials, you were hosed. - What makes you feel optimistic?
Young people on TikTok. They’re not just dancing. They’re funny and smart and opinionated. The kids are okay. - What makes you feel competent?
Other than being around people who are not? Knowing how to use search engines to find the answers to anything I need. So many people wander the earth with a phone in their pocket which holds the entirely of the world’s knowledge and they don’t seek it out. - What makes you happy to be alive?
Love. I’m in my cozy home, wrapped in a blanket on a Friday night, sharing the evening with my favorite person and our snuggly dog. Our needs are met. Our wants are mostly attainable.
This weekend I need to renew my SSL (what makes my blog address be https instead of http), and START SOME SEEDS BAYBEEEEEEEEE! It’s March! It’s ON.
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