Good Things: BAYBEEEE. I went back to the gym for the first time in over a year. I went before work, meaning I woke up early and left the house! And I went back two more times! Can you believe it? I can’t. So I’m going to start doing that 3 times a week and slotting yoga in on the days I don’t go. I have about 32 years left in this meatsack, so I need to make sure it’s tuned up. I also put out some Valentine’s decor for the first time in a few years. Filled Molly with gas, but I crowed about that on Friday. I began to think about this year’s garden, because by February I have forgotten most of the previous season’s bugs and blight.
I completed every single weekend “to-do” save one: tackling the giant closet full of everything. I’ll do that next weekend.
And I started writing a book. Will I finish the book? Dunno, I’m only 400 words in! But I can’t wait for it to be optioned for a film. You’re going to love it! I’ll start looking for a red carpet gown soon.
Meh Things: I have to go to physical therapy 3 times a week for a month to see if I can get my Achilles tendinitis to stop being a jerk. I’ve never been to PT before and don’t know what to expect, except my podiatrist told me I won’t like it. Great. The Devils are not playing good hockey. I though they’d come back from the All Star break stronger, but I’m about to write off the season. They need better defense so the poor goalies aren’t being constantly pelted with pucks.
Verdict: A good week!!
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