Happy Friday, which is also National Pharmacist Day (hello, BvP!) and National Marzipan Day. It is also the day I received my driver’s license in 1990. And my friend Brian Z’s birthday.
I just returned home from giving blood. One of my 2024 goals is giving blood twice this year and I’m 50% there! I’m an O-, meaning I’m a universal donor, and there’s no better way to save lives than lying on your back and being rewarded with a little snack. This time, my snack options were Whole Grain Cheez-its, Lorna Doones, or an Over Easy protein bar. I opted for Cheez-its and a tiny box of apple juice. They keep offering me the option of a Power Red donation, which is when they take twice the red blood cells but cycle your plasma and platelets back into you. I always decline because 1) it takes twice as long and 2) I’m not really sure how I’d feel after losing twice the red and I’m not keen on finding out. I’m too old to faceplant.
The blood drive was at a local Moose Lodge, and I am really enamored with little social clubs. I don’t even know what I would do if I were a member of one. Sit at the bar and read?
This week the Friday 5 theme is Stolen 5, because our kind author took the best 5 questions out of another online questionnaire. Let’s get to it!
- What do you drink in the morning?
On most days it’s coffee brewed from a K-Cup with a tablespoon of Natural Bliss sweet cream creamer. I started a monthly subscription from Grounds & Hounds Coffee. This month I’m trying their Morning Walk variety. After coffee I’ll start in on a bottle of water. Occasionally I’ll grind my own and have a pour-over coffee. - What was the last song you heard?
Tripping Billies by Dave Matthews Band. I was listening to the SiriusXM DMB channel on the way home from the blood drive. It’s too cold and gray to listen to the Margaritaville channel and I’m still sad about the death of Jimmy Buffet, my rich liberal drunken beach dad. - What are your feelings about ghosts?
I believe in them and I also want them to stay far away from me. There are plenty of people who are receptive to having spirits of loved ones around. I am not one of them. Don’t flicker my lights, don’t chill me with drafts, don’t move my stuff. - How do you feel about camping?
I’ve never been. We didn’t camp as kids and I have it in my head that it’s a very difficult, uncomfortable, and expensive hobby. Although I did tell WM last night that if I were a dogless single lady I’d take my remote job on the road. - What are your thoughts on showers vs. baths?
I’ve soured on baths over the years because I never was able to achieve a glorious tub bath that stayed warm enough for me to do all I wanted to do. So I shower. But I hate showers because they’re loud and pounding and chaotic. I wish I was self-cleaning.
That’s it! The (long!) weekend plans include rearranging the craft room to make space for our Total Gym. I’m going to move my cubby shelves into the closet and move the desk against the wall. I don’t craft that much up there anymore anyway. My work desk downstairs has better lighting and more space, so I usually take the craft supplies down with me and take them back up when I’m finished. I’ll also write some Postcards to Voters and I have to install the newer, faster modem that Xfinity sent us in the mail. Which means I might have to reprogram every Internet and smart home device to look for a new network. I hope if I set it up with the same network name and password, it’ll all just work.
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