Happy Friday, which is also National Pepper Pot Day (but not Pepper Potts day), No Interruptions Day, and Tick Tock Day (but not TikTok day.) Most importantly, it is day four of what we here call Sloth Week – a week of no obligations. Light chores only as necessary to keep us from falling into squalor. And I did take Molly to the shop to have her electricity looked at.
I’ve tried to replicate Sloth Week during the summer, but the sunshine and warm weather make me want to do things.
Let’s hit up the final Friday 5 of 2023 – this week’s theme is repetitively redundant.
- What inconveniences do you experience every single day?
Erm. My washer is in the house, my dryer is in the garage. This is due to code (our furnace is in the same room as the washer, and the dryer can’t be in the room with the furnace) but after years of traveling down 8 floors to a the laundry room in the Dee-luxe apartment in the sky, having both a washer and dryer on property is delightful. - What do you wish you weren’t so often in close proximity to?
The local elementary school. No hate to the school itself (it’s the one I attended!) but on nice days when I have the windows open I can hear the bells and the PA announcements. - This past week, what would you have appreciated some advance warning about? (alternate question: What were you grateful to receive advance warning about?)
For Christmas, I was grateful to receive some advance guidance about what Nephews A & B wanted for Christmas. I am WILDLY out of touch with toys these days, but I think I did okay. - What caused you to smile happily today?
Molly only cost $169 dollars to fix. That’s still a chunk, but her last few trips were over $700. - When did you recently give in to a sudden impulse?
It has been a cookie-and-candy fest all week.

And that’s all for today – the Devils are playing tonight and I have more cookies to eat.
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Your the second person today who said it has been a food coma week–the other one was my dental hygienist, so I feel vindicated in eating so much junk this week!
My kid has to go outside around the corner into the basement of the building they’re in to get to the washer and the dryer. Perks of living over a store?
Happy New Year.
I’m officially sick of cookies!