I think this has been more of a MEH week than a GOOD week but as long as it’s not a bad week, we can get through.
Meh Things
Monday: Learned about nonbloggable health things. The next few days are very nervy.
Monday – Friday: A work project is boiling my brain because there are so many moving parts that I know about and I’m sure there are other moving parts I have no idea about. That worries me more.
Friday: WM goes back to school. Boooo.
Saturday: The news hits that Jimmy Buffet dies.

Good Things
Thursday: Learned that nonbloggable health things were okay! Hooray!
Saturday: WM and I take a 1.5 mile walk. His knee is really recovering well and I am again rediscovering how good it is for me to just walk. Move more, think less?
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