Rabbit rabbit!
Happy September, which, blah. Even though it continues to be actual, official summer through September 22, I am trying to switch myself into an autumnal mindset. Today is also National Forgiveness Day (I forgive, I do not forget), National Acne Positivity Day (I do not observe, I hate breakouts), and National Burnt Ends Day which is not about my hair after I use a curling iron, but rather the burnt ends of brisket.

And it’s WM’s first day back to school (teachers only today) so blah to that as well. Adorable Nephew B starts kindergarten and adorable Nephew A starts grade 4 on Tuesday, which is also Geriatric Aunt Kimmy’s 51st birthday. I was at Walt Disney World on last year’s birthday. Nothing will ever compare.
This week’s Friday 5 is “more questions about our favorite topic” which I’m going to assume is food. As I’m starting this F5 over lunch and finished it over dinner, it’s a perfect topic.
- What’s your favorite dehydrated or freeze-dried food?
I really, really enjoy banana chips. My grandfather brought them back from California for us in the early 80s and I thought they were the most exotic food in the world. No, we didn’t get out much. - What’s your favorite among foods requiring peeling or shelling?
SHRIMP. Love eating it, love cooking it. Caribbean Shrimp Toss used to be one of my go-to recipes for get-togethers, before the people who don’t like shrimp outnumbered the people who do. I want to have Christmas Eve dinner this year and bring in some fishy dishes – maybe I’ll revisit this. Second place belongs to corn because shucking is peeling. Give me some shrimp and corn on the cob and I will be happy. - What’s something you could probably cook to impress if you were in someone else’s kitchen?
I make pretty good breaded chicken cutlets, and it has ingredients you can find in almost every kitchen, provided they eat meat. - What food do you look forward to getting in a town you visit only once in a while?
The easy answer is “Walt Disney World snacks” but I really enjoyed the variety of tacos in Austin, TX. I don’t know when I’ll be back there, but those tacos were so good. - What foods specific to autumn do you especially enjoy?
I don’t know if the Great Pumpkin Cult knows you can have pumpkin everything all year long if you make it yourself, but I love pumpkin pie. Apple Cider donuts are also a snack that’s autumn-coded but available all year long.
It was a completely cocaine bear of a workweek for me and I’m happy to have the next four days off. Plans include angrily hurling my fake pumpkins onto the lawn and grumpily eating apple cider donuts.
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