Hello! I’m back from Virginia Beach, where Mom and I had a great time despite a ton of heat and humidity. Even though I slathered myself in sunscreen and stayed under an umbrella most of the time, I still ended up with a few sunburned patches. And on the last beach day I forgot to put lotion on the tops of my feet. I’ll be spending the next few days barefoot or in Crocs until that heals. I’ll toss up a little trip recap soon but I read a book and a half in 3 days. That’s not a lot compared to some people but I’ve been in a reading rut since 2020.

I have my work email open in the background because I always like to know what I’m in for before I come back. How many new emails will I get? A lot of people at TNP are on vacation (including my direct supervisor) and I don’t receive a lot of outside email so I’m going to say 205, which is 45 emails per day for the first 4 days and 25 on Friday.
When I got home yesterday I unpacked my suitcase and zonked for the rest of the night, which is why we have a special edition of the Friday 5 on Saturday! This week’s Friday 5 theme is Scattergories Part 13! I’ve done this before – you have a random generator give you a letter and all of your answers need to start with that letter. This year my letter is:
Ugh. A very Unfavorable result. Let’s give this a shot.
- What should you always be careful with?
I mean the obvious answer would be Usury, but I’m going to go with Using a hot glue gun. Is it going to scar you for life? Probably not, but the nozzle gets HOT and having hot glue strands on your skin is keenly Unpleasant and makes craft time miserable. - With whom would you like to have dinner?
I bet you Uma Thurman has a lot of fantastic stories to share over a meal. - What would you like to learn how to do?
I do not care to learn about Underwater activities or Untying knots. But I’d like to become comfortable with Utilizing more power tools, because I’d love to become handier. - Where will you find what you’ve been looking all over for?
Underneath the pillows and blankets on my sofa. - What do you dream about?
My dreams have always been very entertaining and cinematic, full of overcoming Unfortunate situations and surviving zombie/alien/terrorist Uprisings.
I only received 95 emails this week! I’m very relieved and impressed. I’m going to take 10 minutes to triage the mailbox so I’ll be able to jump right in on Monday morning and any anxiety I might have from not knowing what went on will be gone.
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