This week’s Friday 5 theme is Hero’s Journey.
Happy Friday! Today is International Holocaust Awareness Day and National Chocolate Cake day, a very disparate pair of observances.

- When did you hear (and heed) the Call to Adventure this week?
I was all adventured out from the DC trip, so I left my Adventure Phone off the hook this week. If you’re under 30, that means I put the Adventure Phone on Do Not Disturb. - What challenges did you encounter on your Road of Trials from last weekend to this weekend?
I had to convince myself to get that followup mammogram and not ignore it, like I wanted to. When I finally called to make the appointment, they told me the prescription was incorrect — I need the followup diagnostic scan with ultrasound if necessary on the right breast and an ultrasound on the left (because I didn’t have it done post-2021 biopsy but the prescription had the sides switched. I called Doc Ladyparts’s nurse line back and explained to them what the issue is, then they had to call in a new prescription, then I had to make the appointment. Which is in early February and I’m not worrying about the Third Rodeo (because this is neither my first nor my second rodeos) until then.
I also had to shut up more than I wanted to. - What kinds of temptations did you face this week?
I really wanted to take Tuesday off and laze around the house. But I have too many good things cooking at TNP right now though and I need to seem them through. I think my next day off that does not include breast imaging is Presidents Day and I cam easily “tough it out” until then. I don’t want to blow all of my PTO when it’s cold out! - What was your Ultimate Boon (that is, your greatest reward) this week?
Honestly, seeing Murphy’s exuberance when we came through the door on Monday was a very sweet reward. - If you canceled all your obligations this weekend (and the coming week) and had the Freedom to Live it any way you wanted, how would you spend the time?
I think I would teleport to an all-inclusive beach resort and read by the water all week. I’m halfway finished a book, and I have two loans waiting for me on Kindle. Which reminds me I need to turn the wireless off on my Kindle so I don’t lose them while I’m reading.
But since I’m not doing that, this weekend’s obligations include the usual chores as well as doing some work for the MetaFilter Steering Committee. I cannot give the time to that project that everyone else who volunteered to be on the Steering Committee gives, and I feel terrible about it. Waves of shame terrible. The initial call for volunteers asked for 4 hours a month. After the first two and a half months of giving about 15-20 hours, now I truly can only give about 4 hours a month – usually in one weekend – and for many unbloggable reasons that’s still not enough. I won’t be seeking another term.
I will be going through my seed inventory and planning out Angry Man Farm 2023. We’re aiming for abundance. We’re aiming for enough produce to eat, preserve, and give away. I ordered a soil testing kit that came today and I’m going to let that determine what fertilizers I’ll need for each bed.
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