Happy Friday, friends! Although I just had a whack of time off for the holidays I am still sweetly grateful for the 3-day weekend ahead. My scintillating plans include finishing Spare, paying bills, cleaning my craphole of a garden table in the garage, and going through old clothes, especially bras and underwear. Some pairs of underwear are more hole than fabric. Some bras have decomposed to a support level of “thoughts and prayers.” I’ve been baking a loaf of bread on weekends for the last few weeks, which is homey and meditative. This is my go-to no knead bread recipe. I’m not bothering with sourdough anymore because I can’t keep a starter alive.

Let’s have a go at the Friday 5! This week’s theme is The best the best the best the best of you.
- What’s your best physical feature?
I’m going to say my eyes. As I’m getting older, they’re becoming a lighter and lighter blue. Realistically, they’re fading like the rest of me, but at least this decomposition is attractive! - What aspect of your personality do people seem to appreciate most?
These questions are very difficult to answer about myself, so I polled the first person I found. He said my “compassion and empathy” which is technically two aspects, but it’s better than my answer of, “I’m a pushover.” - What skill are you proud of?
I can make a straight tear in a piece of paper without tearing it first. M says it’s witchcraft of the highest order. In reality, in my earliest days at the newspaper I’d help tearing ads out to send to advertisers. It’s just a skill. - What are you right about?
If you complain about the decline of good journalism but bend over backwards to avoid paywalls and ads, you are part of the problem. Good journalism is not free. I subscribe to the New York Times, NJ Pen, and Defector for my national news, local news, and smart commentary. - Who appreciates you?
M appreciates me. 🙂
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That was fun to read!!!
I think good journalism shouldn’t serve only those who have the money.
It should be for everyone.
But maybe that’s why I loved to read the papers in the windows we used to have in town.
And of course I am motivated by a complete lack of money.
As more and more is about money in this world, I feel excluded and pushed to the outside.
I was good enough to write for the present elite, but not enough to read the replies. or the views people steal.
You’re right. I’m extra-touchy about paid journalism because I saw the local newspaper fall into ruins because of money. There has to be a good way to make sure the news organizations’ ends meet while still delivering news to everyone.