Happy Friday and DAMN I’m tired. I think I’m getting a cold because I feel fuzzy in the head.
So we’re going to get right to the Friday 5, and I’m going to hie to my sofa and quilts. This week’s theme is Ice Is Forming on the Tips of My Wings, and I’m not even going to use that theme to complain about yesterday’s snow. I’m that beat.
1. How do you feel about passengers riding in front of you reclining their seats?
Not a fan. I think it’s pretty rude to take up some of the area that I paid for, yet I’ll never say anything because I’m a wimp.
2. What single aspect of airplane flight do you dislike the most?
When the person behind me grabs onto my seat to haul themselves up. I’ve had hair ripped from my head while people did that. On my flight to Florida, the man behind kept his hand on the back of my seat the entire time he was awake. Don’t touch my seat!
3. What was your longest flight on an airplane?
Philadelphia to San Diego, I believe.
4. What’s your favorite way to pass the time on a long flight?
Completing the crossword puzzle in the inflight magazine, then reading that magazine. I think inflight magazines have some fantastic pieces in them, if you look between the ads. I miss the SkyMall catalog. I know it’s online now, but I’m never going to look at it while I’m on the ground.
5. What are the best and worst things you’ve eaten on a plane or in an airport?
The Great American Bagel Bakery in SeaTac airport offered the worst breakfast bagel sandwich I had ever had. How something manages to be hard AND greasy is beyond me.
Goodnight. 😉