aka “Stupid beading tricks with no beads.”
I’ve been in a long dry streak, creativity-wise. I have drawers full of jewelry making components and no idea what to do with them. I get caught up looking at other jewelry for hours, then completely choke and not make any of my own. I don’t know if I think I can’t create anything stylish or attractive or what, but it was really getting me down. I’d put beads and findings together and hate what I came up with
So I decided to put the beads away and stick with wire.
This is a 2×2 chain maille bracelet.

I really like how it turned out. I worked on it off and on all day yesterday while I was playing World of Warcraft. And since it’s coated copper, it’s pretty light.
Have I mentioned I bought a ring mandrel? Well, I did. And today I figuredd it was high time I made a ring. So with the help of this rosette ring tutorial I did!

It’s pretty, and the sharp bits of wire don’t hurt too much. (Kidding)