…fee fi mo mowd..Dowd!
Round 2 at Motor Vehicle Commision didn’t go well. I had the marriage and divorce certs, but I also needed to show a change of address. (Uh…I moved in July..did this all in August!)The official MVC sticker on the back of my driver’s license wasn’t official enough for MVC. Nor was my paycheck stub with my current address. Nor was my checkbook. I need to show them a monthly bill.
So I’ll wait for the Comcast statement, since everything else is e-billed. Le sigh.
I’m watching “Must Love Dogs” which is probably not the BEST choice for me right now. The “one chicken breast…only one because I’m divorced” part rang kinda true. I’m assuming it’ll end up happy. It’s pretty poorly written, IMO, and I’m quite good at writing poor stuff. 😉 John Cusack’s always been a cutie. And the chick he’s going to hook up with in this movie (if she ever stops slutting it up with all the other guys during her predictable “I’m gonna be a playa!” phase.) is older than I am. So hope springs eternal. Even though I don’t have any gay male friends who’d take me out for midnight manicures. And I miss my dog.
Edited to add: This movie is a pile of crap. Dog crap. Get it? Must love DOGS? Bwah!
I agree with you on “Must Love Dogs”. I did like Diane Lane’s performance though. I thought she was cute and very believable in the role. I agree with the bad writing of the movie though….
The cameo by “Bobby Bacala” as Vinnie from Brooklyn at the beginning was worth watching.
The book is better.