Here’s some voting we can all care about! Old Navy is looking for their new “Magic” mascot. The original “Magic” was a terrier mix who was rescued from the streets of San Jose. (Wikipedia)
Terrier dog? Rescued from the streets? Can this be kismet??

Max is “competing” against 119325 other dogs. Old Navy will pick 6 finalists, and the public will “vote” on the winner.
I’m sure this is as fixed as the day is long. But maybe Max has a slight chance. Then again, he’s up against much younger upstarts like this punk:

Don’t quit your day job just yet, Max. (But damn I’d love him to win and for his original abusive owners to SEE what good things this dog had in him. It’s taken us 2 years to get Max not to cower when we pick up a stick or a broom.)