It’s come to my attention that my current design doesn’t work very well in IE. Which happens to be the most popular browser at the time.
I started this site to keep my design skills sharp as well as to practice writing. Although the writing’s become somewhat prolific, the design has been lazy. For the last few years I’ve been ripping off templates and bending them to what I want. No more. This weekend, I reclaim my site.
I have a really neat design in mind (and in Photoshop) but I think I’m going to have to build it from the ground up. Which is pretty creepy, since I don’t know PHP, the language that WordPress uses. This is the first time I’ve been excited about the site in a long time.
A sneak peek:

EDITED TO ADD: Thanks to my WoW server being down (shakes fist) I started pecking through the CSS book and putting together a sample. It’s plain and oooogly but you can watch the progress here.
Just don’t break the Safari support in the process… dammit! 😛
IE blows. Cut em loose and make them upgrade to firefox…. I can dream can’t I?