Somewhat lazy weekend. We cancelled the yard sale due to dampness and rain, and the fact that we couldn’t get everything together in time. Maybe the first Saturday in May?
Sunday we finally planted the garden in the bed we cleared last year. I’m sure the neighnbors here in Stepford cheered.

And tonight I destroyed the whole concept of hostess shots by vamping and photoshopping. The new pic is inspired by the black and whiteness of the site. I’m going to have to start posing with my head cocked to the side like Paris Hilton — straight on I swear I’m starting to look like Madame.
I’ve been out of the blog reading loop for a while. The good part of that is that I have a lot of posts to catch up on at my friend’s blogs (links to the right!)
S’all for now.
EDITED TO ADD: After BvP claimed that the b/w pic looked nothing like me, I swapped hostess shots. One should not post pics at 1 in the morning, for one has bad judgement at that hour.
Bahahaah Madame. I would say Jessica Simpson looks like Madame not you.