First in a (hopefully) continuing (but probably sporadic) series of thing that I used to think were nifty, cool, the bees’ knees…but now? Notsomuch.
Then: When I was a kid and saw my first toilet flush on its own, I thought that we were 5 minutes from becoming the Jetsons.
Now: These things add a whole new level of paranoia to using a public rest room. In addition to worrying about seeing something untoward stuck to the stall walls or the beady, leering eyes of a 10-year-old boy whose Mom won’t let him use the men’s room alone, now I have to worry about shifting a millimeter in the wrong direction before I’m finished.
…yep. Thanks to these things being installed–and y’know–why exactly, do they have to flush so LOUDLY?? (at least all those we’ve come to use thus far do… we being my kids & I that is) Thanks to these things… it’s now become a common question from my 6 year old daughter–who has a *thing* about using potties other than ours at home ANYway… when we enter any public building, “they don’t have those ones that flush automatically here do they Mom?”
I think that the sound of it is so loud (and y’know, like the little laser *eye* or whatever combined with the timer is at ALL geared toward a itty bitty 6 year old with a shy bladder… not so much)–anyway–I think she’s afraid it’s going to suck her right down with the water. She won’t use them.
ryn: (chickening out) …there’s always next year! Although sometimes those kinds of things are better done totally spur of the moment… if you think about it too much–yeah–you CHICKEN OUT!! ๐
Did you see that they raised almost ten grand? I think that’s really cool, actually.
Enough with the note that shoulda been an email! ๐