Twenty four hours ago, I was in the Bahamas. Tonight I am home in my delightfully heated house. Max is back from a week trashing my Mom’s house. (I’m sorry, Mom.) I have a few score of photos to upload to Ofoto tomorrow.
But for now…let me share with you some photos of the best vacation ever.
Our ship, the Disney Magic.
Me in my semi-formal dress after a champagne soaked dinner.
An offical Thor-sanctioned photo of the both of us in St. Marin. Brought to you via the magic of Photoshop.
Yet another photo of Thor. Here he hovers 400 feet above the Caribbean Sea. Look closely at the cloud. It’s a Mickey Mouse silhouette. Think I’m still drunk from champagne? Click here to compare.
Formal night. Yes, that’s me. Yes, I’m wearing a tiara. Where else but Disney can I be a Princess?