This week’s Friday Five was so fun that I had to wait until I got home to actually do it. So I am proud to present to you….

(geek alert…binary in the background is actual binary of my name, repeated 1.5 times…)
1. If your life were a movie, what would the title be?
InternetGrrl — the story of a woman who finds love, career, fun, and notoriety on the Internet, while maintaing a somewhat normal appearance to the non-Internet world. The passing time would be marked by shots of a “New, updated!” personal home page…each one using a tacky design technique. Like the time my homepage had 6 frames. *shudder*
2. What songs would be on the soundtrack?
Years ago there was a parody of Neil Sedaka’s “Calendar Girl” called “Internet Girl.” I’d want that to be in the movie somewhere
“Best of What’s Around” — DMB
“Beach Baby” — First Class
“The Way You Look Tonight” — Frank Sinatra
“Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me” –Mel Carter
“Beyond the Sea” — Bobby Darin
“In the Mood” — Brian Setzer Orchestra
See…I listen to a lot of old standards when I surf the web. I think the juxtaposition (SAT word!) of the old songs with the RL scenes would be fabulous. I’d also like the Dave Matthews Band to do some original songs. So I could meet ’em.
3. Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why?
Live-action, with touches of animation here and there, in an Ally McBeal sort of way.
4. Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc?
While it’s difficult to imagine who would play my family and friends, I told David many times that if there was a movie about us…the mains should be played by Bridget Fonda and Noah Wyle. Basically, cuter versions of us. 🙂 Although she’s older than I am I think Bridget would make a great fit. She’s squinty like me!
5. Describe the movie preview/trailer.
You see a closeup of Kim’s (now Bridget Fonda) face. Her nerves are obviously jangled. Quick cut to a clock w/a second hand. Back to Kim. Back to clock. Kim’s tapping foot. Back to clock. Finally, you hear the sound of a dial-up modem connecting to the Internet. Kim relaxes into a smile, obviously relieved. Sound of mail notifier (not “You’ve Got Mail” though…that’s too AOL, and it’s been taken). Kim pumps her fist. Follow it up with scenes of meeting David in person, our side-by-side computers, comical scenes of David and I yelling at each other as our fellowed game characters die in one of the games we’ve played.