Wordless Wednesday 2023 Wk 17
I’m taking a watercolor class and I’m terrible at it!
As part of the subsection of 2023 goals that informally includes “get your ass out of the house” I decided to take a watercolor class through my town’s recreation program. It’s a six-week class that meets for two hours on…
Reclaiming my shelves
Back in 2006, when I was a single lady with 2 cats and a cozy, girly apartment, I was given this lovely piece. (from this post) Long story short, the apartment was all white and I decided to get a…
Analysis Paralysis: Craft room color
As is my way, the craft room looks 100x worse now that I’ve started to “organize” it. The plan is to paint the walls yellow, move in some of the white cubby shelves that I’ve had since the original apartment,…