Assembling the LEGO Typewriter
When I was a child, there wasn’t a large variety of LEGO bricks. All of our LEGO buildings had right angles. All our vehicles had right angles. But over the last 15 years, LEGO kits have become so sophisticated compared….
Friday 5: Be curious, not judgmental
Happy Friday, which is also National Take Your Dog to Work Day (in 2020 I brought my work home to my dog, who has now spent half of his life with people home all day every day), National Hydration Day,…
Rainbow nails
This is just to document that, once again, I have stopped biting and picking at my nails. The cuticles still have a way to go because they keep cracking. I was using Aquaphor on them but recently switched to almond…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 25
My first colonoscopy
As you can tell, I survived my colonoscopy! It didn’t hurt at all and it was very quick. If you’re an over-50 person or anyone who needs to have one done and are curious about it than do I have…