Do stale Krimpets have fewer calories than fresh ones? Happy Birthday Mom! Wt: 140.4 — holding steadyMood: Cold!!Work docket: Did communities. Doing scrapbook. Then customer service stuff.Lunch plans: Subway sandwichAfternoon plans: Take nap so I can be awake for….Evening plans:…
February 12, 2003 – evening
Well, am back from the gym. Did 1.?? miles (treadmill display was broken), 10 assisted chinups, 10 assisted dips, and 40 crunch-things. I’m still not very sore, which makes me think that my pain receptors are dying. On the way…
February 12, 2003 – morning
You know…when I make crazy statements like, “I’m going to steam clean my carpets after work!” I wish I’d get a mild electric shock or SOMETHING to let me know that I’m being totally unrealistic. What a wack-job I can…
February 11, 2003 – evening
What a totally awesomely busy day! I took a lot of time to redesign the Bridal Guide. It should be done tomorrow, and I’m very pleased with it. The HC lunch was bearable…but I didn’t pay much attention to it…
February 11, 2003 – morning
(downloading huge database…waiting…) Wt: 141.8 (am pleased, given the large dinner I had on Sunday)Mood: Anxious…there is so much to be done here at workWork Docket: Did static. WANTED to work on new customer service section, but the Bride and…
February 10, 2003 – evening
Quite a productive evening for a Monday. I cleaned the kitchen, wrote out a few bills, made my WDW reservation for May (we’re going with the Blackwells again — I love vacationing with them…hopefully they don’t mind!), nuked a Healthy…