Had a BK Veggie for lunch. It’s been so long since I had one that I forgot they put mayo on it. 😛 And I defiantly ate the donut when I came home. THEN I went to the gym and…
Saturday’s plan
Saturday’s plan: Hit Body Pump, clean house, Wings Game.Saturday’s reality: Headed to Ocean City less than 30 minutes after I wrote about Saturday’ plan. Ate cheese fries. Played Asheron’s Call. Wings defeated Buffalo. Sixty. Eight. Two numbers that came into…
Better news
Better news: The Blackwells are fighting for the May vacation! Go, Blackwells, go!! Fight “da Man!” And so as war rages outside of my world, as Iraqis are bombed into dust and as brave, handsome US Marines are KIA, spring…
Yeah yeah…I’m still alive
Yeah yeah…I’m still alive. Wt: 140.8 – VERY good given how poorly I’ve eaten yesterday.Mood: Trying earnestly not to be a burnt-out techie.Work Docket: Redo Hot Jobs and other MivaScripts in the new design, with new tracking coding and ad…
Home sick
Home sick…it ain’t pretty.
Well, kiddies…
Well, kiddies, here we are on the brink of war and you know what? I don’t care! I haven’t been following the news at all, despite my job. All I know is that the CPO page is all tarted up…