Angie??? GAHH!!! Noooooooooo! After scrubbing approximately a half-inch of wax off of my apple this morning I decided that tonight I’d go by Whole Foods and see about that organic food the hippies talk about. It was…pretty interesting. As soon…
tick tick boom!
(phone rings at 11:45ish. I answer. Brother.) Me: ‘Lo? J: Hey! It’s me! How’re you? Me: (realizing no GOOD calls come at 11:45pm) Sleepy? J: Okay. I got a call from {Neighbor, who is a friend of his}. He says…
Grumpy Dwarf
I’m still alive. Just nothing much to write about. Well, I could go on about my disappointment with the Disney Store. First, a bit of background. I worked at the Disney Store in Echelon Mall for about 2 years –…
America the Beautiful
We got back from the Flower show not long ago. It was a gorgeous experience as always. This is our third one, and each year we go we spend more time there. I think it’s because we know what to…
So I can’t really dish about work, because God forbid someone find out, get me fired, and I become famous and quoted in newspaper and television reports for years after the fact, while making money from Google ads and having…
Assault and (cookie) Batter
Did you KNOW a large Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie is 280 calories?? That’s more than a Boston Kreme Donut! I found that out today, the hard way. Here’s how today added up: Breakfast: Strawberry-Kiwi light yogurt (90 cal), 2…