From my Treo! Summer! An original photo by ladygypsy. 80 degrees today. Wearing tan twinset, a-line brown skirt with tan print, brown heels, tan headband and NO stockings kinda retro…i love summer! it’s getting difficult to resist the call of…
Cherry blossom time
From my Treo! An original photo by ladygypsy. They don’t call my town “Cherry Hill” for nothing. Chapel Avenue is lined on either side with cherry trees. And now, they’re in bloom!
hey yeah?
I know Curves is owned by a devout Christian, but editing the line in the song “Redneck Woman” from “Hell, yeah!” to “Hey yeah!” in its music mix is JUSSST a bit much.
springtime lunch
From the PhoneCam! Spring! Originally uploaded by ladygypsy. My first lunch at the picnic benches this year! had a subway roast beef sandwich with lite chips and a diet cola. Key word: moderation. when did jennifer love hewitt become just…
Statistics – March 2006
Average visits to per day March 2005: 129 February 2006: 250 March 2006: 334 Let’s break out the math-fu. That’s a 33.6% increase over February, and a 158.9% increase over this month last year! This is getting way creepy!…
Vegas Photos online!
To see the rest of my captioned, noted photos of the vacation, you’ll have to visit My Flickr set.