When you go to the mall, visit Hot Topic. I never visited that store when I was of the appropriate age because, well, I was a total geek/nerd/wallflower. Before it was hip to be that way. Now, stuff like this…
I want these! I need these!
I can barely speak. I want everything from this line of clothing! Stop Staring! vintage reproduction clothing O the humanity…I’ve been slain.
It’s come to my attention that my current design doesn’t work very well in IE. Which happens to be the most popular browser at the time. I started this site to keep my design skills sharp as well as to…
scenes from the mall 5-18-06
Nine old men, crowded around 2 food court tables pushed together. They sit back in the chairs and take turns telling stories. They have pictures on the tables of them years ago — when they wore coats and hats and…
April site stats
In April, this site averaged 341 visits and 543 page views per day. That’s a small dropoff from March (I didn’t blog as much) but in April 2005 those numbers were 135 and 233, and in April, 2004 they were…
Catchup, and a plea.
My life, in a nutshell, since I spoke with you last: Went to a work-sponsored bowling party 2 weeks ago. It was fun. That’s me, bowling, courtesy of the timer on my camera. I’m wearing a NJ Devils (ugh…win today,…