While I severely scaled back the amount of personal stuff I have here at TNP, I still have to have my Disney. And as the Boss has nicknamed me “Mousketeer,” I think my little touches have been noticed.
We're on the Road to 40!
Today is my half birthday – a milestone I started observing as little kid when birthday parties consisted of cake and ice cream in little cups. Now my birthdays still have cake, but I’ve swapped the ice cream for a…
Movin' on … over
So when you think about stressful life events, I offer you my 2012 for consideration. New job? Started last month. Getting Married? Julyish* Turning 40? September. Let’s add a move to the mix, shall we? The people in the apartment…
I read books: Moneyball
Moneyball by Michael Lewis My rating: 4 of 5 stars I hadn’t watched baseball in a few years, disgusted both by the home team jacking up ticket prices once the team started winning more and by everyone and their dog…
Wordless Wednesday: Our office fish
I know what this title should be, but I refuse to type it
Waiting for the shuttle outside of work a few nights ago, I overheard the following conversation. Mostly overheard, as I was trying not to get slaughtered at Words With Friends. (Didn’t work. Want an easy WwF win? I’m ladygypsy, naturally….