Happy Charlie Day!
Today is July 1, the day I observe as Charlie Day! Seventeen years ago this month, Charlie came home with me. He holds the title as the non-related male who has been in my life the longest. Charlie has been…
Wordless Wednesday: Some days you just wanna hide
Spring business trip 2014: Las Vegas
Oh, Vegas. I’ve had some great travel with TNP. New Orleans, twice. Both great. San Francisco? Amazeballs. Chicago? Awesome. So when I was offered the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas to (wo)man a table at a meeting for Hospital…
Friday Five: Gatterstories Y
SHE LIVES! My business trip to Las Vegas ended up with winnings of $264 (oh, roulette, I missed you) which was all spent on: OTC meds & cough drops from a Walgreens on the strip extended checkout time at the…
Stupid beading tricks: blue bracelet
Another of my dorking-at-the-bead-table creations. It’s pretty, if a bit heavy. I have no plans for it at the moment. Maybe it’ll go toward stock for the someday-store.