Happy Friday, which is National Houseplant Appreciation Day (we do and we have the fungal gnats to prove it), and National Save the Eagles Day (I thought we did that already but you do you). It’s also the Friday marking the end of the first full workweek of the year and I am pooped. Pooped! I worked at the coffee shop this morning, which is a nice thing to be able to do when I feel like the house walls are going to close in on me.
- If everyone carried personal cards (instead of business cards), what would you put on the line just beneath your name, where job titles usually go?
A long time ago at the newspaper, one of my coworkers said, “That’s Kim. She’s always good for a snack.” I’ve used it on my blog header off and on for years. - What’s your favorite card game?
I haven’t played it in years, but it’s called Spit. Back in the days before the Internet, it’s how my brother and I would occupy ourselves in the summer. - How confidently and competently do you shuffle a deck of cards?
I’m VERY good at shuffling cards. I can even do a bridge! - To whom did you last send a non-holiday, non-birthday greeting card?
The MetaFilter card swap folks last…June? It’s been a while. - When did you last jot something down on an index card?
I bought a bunch of index cards when I was studying for my CAE exam and am still using them. Right before Christmas I wrote a list of errands on an index card.
Blogkeeping note: I’m reviving my RSS email newsletter and to my surprise not only is the email editor NOT drag and drop, but I have to utilize freaking DJANGO tags and filters. I thought I was too old for this but after 45 minutes of internally screaming at documentation it’s coming along nicely. Upcoming blog content: a day in the life of working from home, wanting to die at 83, and Trello tips. You always get a smorgasbord of topics here because I’m always good for a snack.
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