I published 52 Wordless Wednesday posts this year. Three of them were actually published on Thursday with a sneaky backdate to make them look like they were on time. Compiling them into one photo and writing captions was one of the most tedious and rewarding things I did last year. I knew I wanted to do it again this year, so I pasted the photos into the collage every two months.
Fifty-two weeks seems like a lot, but it’s really not. Here’s my year!

Row 1: Seed catalogs, card making, Target’s Valentine birds, my icy tree after a snowstorm
Row 2: The Philadelphia Muses Mural, working from the library, on the treadmill at my gym that closed 6 weeks later, an approaching PATCO train in Philadelphia
Row 3: A fancy cocktail from Redstone Grill, a sign on Chipotle’s door that says “THE FREE GUACAMOLE PROMOTION IS ONLY FOR ONLINE ORDERS”, a beekeeper bear topiary in Philadelphia’s Dillworth park, a Mickey and Minnie Mouse topiary at Walt Disney World (one of the few times I planned for two similar photos in a row)
Row 4: The thumbnail of a WDW TikTok I created, the first tulips in our front yard, the solar eclipse on a very cloudy day, the San Diego Convention Center
Row 5: Mountains from an airplane, my hammock ready for the season, my garden bed in spring, WM’s birthday
Row 6: A closeup of Murphy’s muzzle, my new backyard patio set so I can work outside, a statue of George Washington at the Camden County Hall of Justice; our garden’s first tomato
Row 7: A sign at my new gym telling us “You did something great today”, a sign in Philadelphia’s “gayborhood” that says “Homo Hut”, three pastel-colored busts of Benjamin Franklin, a squirrel on my mom’s porch railing
Row 8: A Jerky Boys CD at the library book/media sale, our fish tank, my new NYT crossword puzzle streak, a handful of grape tomatoes from the garden
Row 9: An anthropomorphized chocolate bar at Hershey’s Chocolate World, a blue hydrangea from my garden, which was the flower I carried when I married WM, Mt. Rainier from friend C’s deck in Seattle, Seahurst Park, Seattle
Row 10: The Wildwood sign on a gloomy September day aka my birthday, Murphy and his fish toy, “I may be Trash but that means I’m someone’s treasure” meme (I had no good pics that week), Mom’s first time ever picking apples
Row 11: Collingswood Book Festival, Lewis the giant non-jack-o-lantern from Target, the Occasionette storefront with a strong message to VOTE, the portal in Philadelphia’s Love Park that shows a real-time livestream from Dublin
Row 12: Me after voting, one of the few times I added words to my Wordless Wednesday posts, kerosene lanterns lined up in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, my empty desk at 1500 Spring Garden street, a Christmas Tree at the Promenade at Sagemore
Row 13: Me and Toys’R’Us mascot Geoffrey at the mini-Macy’s in Cherry Hill, me pretending to lick a gingerbread recreation of Spaceship Earth, Santa riding down my street on an antique firetruck
Happy 2025, loves. I’d be lying if I said I wasn‘t afraid of what it has in store. May it be gentle to us all, but when it’s not, may we be firm in our resistance.